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Infos about Mallorca - Markets and walks

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Infos about Mallorca – Markets and walks

13/07/2019 by ignacio
Mapa Mallorca Cabrera 1773 Biblioteca Digital Real Academia Historia 900x500

In all of our Holiday Homes we have for you a folder with recommendations to make your stay in the Island an amazing experience. Here we would like to introduce you to some of the informations we will handle you later on.

Overview of the most beautiful Island in the world.

The word Mallorca comes from the Latin, “insula major”, or the big island. The island is 3.620 km2 and the coastline is 623 km long. Approximately 740,000 people live here, and 16% of them are foreign residents.

People have inhabited the Island from the Bronze Age. Later on, Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, pirates, mainland Spaniards and tourists from all over the world have been living here.

Mallorca is referred as the “Island of Light”, as there’s an average of 2,9893 hours of sunshine per year. Definitively a sunny place!

Festes San Antoni 900x514

In Mallorca, people like to party a lot.

In each village, every summer, you have a Festival Week. The dates are different depending on the village.

In the week after Easter pilgrimages take place in many places.

In May, one not only celebrates the day of work, but there are also celebrations remembering the victory of Christians over the Moors during the Middle Ages. In Sóller you will be celebrating for a week. Here, in a historial re-creation, hundreds of medieval soldiers will win decisive battle over the moors, in one of Reconquista’s most celebrated victories. In many places, such as in Sineu, Sencelles and Lloret de Vistalegre the same celebrations take place.

On the night of 23.06, The shortest night of the year, fires are made on many beaches, and there’s bathing, singing and drinking all over the place.

In July, the day of the “Mare de Déu del Carme” , the patron saint of fishermen with ship processions is celebrated in the seaside towns on 16.07.

moros y cristianos Mallorca

Particularly impressive is the end of July, beginning of August, the walk to the monastery Lluc . Around 4,500 people take part in this 40-kilometer march.

On 02.08. In Pollenca you celebrate the “Mare de Déu dels Angels” (a feast in honor of Our Lady of the Angels). The biggest performance is the Battle of the Moors against the Christians.

On 15.08. is the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and is celebrated in many places with processions and festivals.

On 08.09. In Santa Margalida, the feast of the patron saint Catalina Thomas is celebrated with a procession. In mid-September, the melon festival is celebrated in Vilafranca. During this time, harvest festival festivals are celebrated in many places.

Binissalem is celebrated in the last week of September, the wine festival. In Cala Millor, the tourist week is celebrated in mid-September for a week.

In Sant Joan , on the first Sunday in October, the “Festa d’es botifarró” (festival of blood sausage) is celebrated with music and parades. On the last Sunday of October in Petra the “Festa d’es Bunyol” (Donut Festival) is celebrated.


Every day, markets take place somewhere on the island:

Mercat Llevant Valencia

On Monday:

Caimari, Cala Figuera, Cala Millor, Calvià, Lloret, Manacor, Mancor, Montuïri.


Alcúdia, Alqueria Blanca, Arenal, Arta, Campanet, Es Pla de na Tesa, Llubí, Peguera, Pina, Porreres, Portocolom, Santa Margalida.


Andratx, Bunyola, Capdepera, Cas Concos, Llucmajor, Petra, Port de Pollença, Sant Jordi, Sa Ràpita, Santanyí, Selva, Sencelles, Sineu, Vilafranca.

Oscar Nord Palma Restaurant


Arenal, Ariany, Campos, Consell, Inca, Pòrtol, S Illot, Sant Joan, Sant Llorenç, Ses Salines.


Algaida, Alaro, Arenal, Binissalem, Can Picafort, Inca, Llucmajor, Maria de la Salut, Son Ferrer, Son Servera, Son Carrió, Es Pont d’Inca.


Alaró, Búger, Bunyola, Cala Ratjada, Cala Millor, Campos, Costitx, Esporles, Lloseta, Magaluf, Palma (ecological products on Plaça Bisbe Berenguer de Palou, 8:00 to 14:00), Santa Eugènia, Santa Margalida, Santa Ponça, Santanyí, Sóller.


Alcúdia, Calvià, Consell, Inca, Felanitx, Muro, Pollensa, Porto Cristo, Santa Maria, Valldemossa. Eco market in the commercial area Marratxí (9:00 to 14:00).


Palma, Plaça Major, Saturday from 10:00 to 14:00. Palma, S Hort del Rei below the cathedral, DI. to SA. 10:00 to 16:00. Selva, Plaça, Friday from 17:00 to 20:00.

Flea market:

Cala Rajada (2nd Sun a month, at Center Cap Vermell); Consell (Sun 9:00 to 14:00); Llucmajor (FR 9:00 to 13:00); Palma (SA, Son Fusteret, 9:00 to 13:00); Santa Ponça (SA mornings, Polígono Son Bugadelles); Business Park Marratxí (9:00 am to 2:00 pm; bargain market on the Avenidas in Palma, SA 8:00 to 14:00.

Be stranded

A website with the beaches of the East of Majorca can be found here

Of course, Mallorca offers many more beaches and plans, as well as recommended walks and trekkings with different levels of difficulty.